The Islands Folk Festival is held at beautiful Providence Farm. We encourage you to follow the link to learn more about the great work Providence Farm does in our community. Information relevant to attending the Islands Folk Festival can be found by clicking on the buttons below.
About Providence Farm
Providence Farm is a working organic farm dedicated to restoring the spirit and skills of those with physical, mental and emotional challenges. The farm provides innovative programs in Horticultural Therapy and Vocational Training and believes that caring for the land together is, by nature, healing and therapeutic.
No pets except working assistance dogs accompanying a disabled person are permitted on the Providence Farm site.
To maintain this beautiful space we have a few rules that might not be standard with all festivals. Please note the following and help us to leave Providence Farm better then we found it.
To prevent any injury to the animals we kindly ask that you leave all glass containers at home.
To prevent the possibility of fire, we also do not allow open flame of any kind, even cooking stoves.
Smoking (even vapes) may only be enjoyed in one of our designated smoking areas. Providence is a none-smoking property but allow us to create these spaces during the festival. Please make sure to fully extinguish your butts in the ash cans provided.
The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association began in 1986 and delivers a variety of programs for people in the valley. Our participants are supported by a small herd of specialized therapy horses, multiple volunteers, and highly-trained instructors who are certified in a multitude of disciplines through Equine Canada, Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association, BC Therapeutic Riding and more. CTRA is as an Accredited Examination and Training Centre. We hold a high standard for safety, operations, horse care and more. The benefits of Therapeutic Riding, Therapeutic Horsemanship, and Equine Assisted Learning include improved physical, emotional and social wellness. Since we use horses as our partners in the therapeutic process, participants gain riding skills, greater horsemanship knowledge and skills, and foster a connection with our equine friends.
Getting to Providence Farm
Click the button to get directions from wherever you are. Or scroll for written directions
Heading North from Victoria
Entering Duncan, cross the bridge (double bridges) and turn right at the first light (Trunk Road). Get into left lane or you will get diverted off at the next light. Continue about 2 km until you come to a round-about. Keep right to Tzouhalem Rd. Follow the signs to parking sites.
Heading South from Nanaimo
Proceed to Duncan. Turn left on to Beverly Street at Traffic light (by Thrifty Foods). Continue straight ahead through the two round-abouts to a third roundabout at Lakes Rd, turn right on Lakes Road, left at the next traffic light Tzouhalem Road, and follow the signs to the public paid parking.
Providence Farm is located at 1843 Tzouhalem Rd, Duncan, BC V9L 5L6.
Area Accommodations: For a full list of places to stay close to the Festival please visit Tourism Cowichan.
Providence farm
1843 Tzouhalem Rd, Duncan, BC V9L 5L6
Want google maps to give you the directions? Just click on the red pin.
Free Park & Ride Shuttle Services
Shuttle Service – To reduce our collective carbon footprint, take advantage of our FREE shuttle service. Return Trip Guaranteed!
Friday 1pm to 12.30am
Saturday 9am to 12.30 am
Sunday 9am to until all clear.
Shuttle Parking Pickup/Drop off Locations:
Bus Depot (beside Panago Pizza) - parking available all weekend.
SportsPlex - parking available all weekend.
Queen of Angels School - upper blacktop parking available all weekend. No parking in church lot.
NewLife Church - Friday & Saturday no parking Sunday.
Train Station - where there's 2hr parking.
Although this is a free service, donations on the shuttles are gratefully accepted.
Boarding is on a first-come, first-served basis. Approximate travel time from first to last stop is 20 minutes. Please note that our shuttles can not accommodate wheelchairs. Return Trip Guaranteed!
The black and white outlined areas are the boundary between low chairs, high chairs and wheelchairs.
All umbrellas go to the sides of the pink area so as not to impede the view of other festival goers.
Dancing area is immediately in front of the stage. Chairs no taller than 2 feet and blankets/tarps are welcome toward the front of the audience area. Chairs taller than 2 feet and wheelchairs go toward the rear of the audience area. Shade umbrellas toward the sides of the audience area.

If you want to avoid the cost of on-site parking, we strongly suggest that you park at or near one of the Shuttle stops and take the free park and ride shuttle to the festival site. It is only a 15 minute ride each way
LIMITED Paid Public Parking $20.00/day is available off of Donnay Drive, located just before the festival site (Providence Farm), on your left.
Accessible Parking ($20.00/day) is available for those with currently valid accessible parking permits. Access is via the main driveway entrance to the festival site.